Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ash Piece's Gift Craft Tips

Hey y'all! I'm back from my short hiatus from entertaining my special visitors that came into town to see my show. Today, I thought I'd start sharing some of the crafts I did for Valentines day in a little list (I LOVE LISTS) of craft tips I came up with along the way!

1. Keep it personal: it shows how much you care when you really remember what you know about the person you are creating for! For my brother's family, I made this silly little cartoon of their little budding family.

2. Find a fun through line: for me this year, it was Peanuts!! I found these little cardboard cut-outs at Michael's, pulled out my glue gun, and went to town! I had a blast picking out each specific character for my friends!

3. Mix homemade and store-bought accents

4. Cardstock ROCKS.

5. Homemade gifts/greetings are ALWAYS better! It shows you were willing to give some time to this greeting, not just a couple of bucks in the Hallmark aisle.

6. Find creative ways to send your message: this year I used bananagrams letters and love the result!

7. Glitter is ALWAYS a good idea!

8. Take something completely random and beautify it to make it a treasured goodie: This year, I painted a small pizza box white and decorated it with hearts, pictures, and Peanuts comics. It became the gift box for Chuck's present!

That's what I have for today... coming soon: pictures of my gift for Chuck! It turned out really well I think and I'm excited to share! :)


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