Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ash Piece's 2011 Resolutions

  • Write/blog/express myself artistically daily
  • Sing.
  • Write a song I’m proud of
  • Learn to play guitar/ukulele/piano better
  • Start making music with Andrew… blog/whatever else that entails
  • Play with Xander… a lot.
  • Travel.
  • Explore cooking
  • Dance.
  • Practice/learn Spanish better
  • Always pursue happiness: never settle
  • Become an adult… but stay a kid…
  • Take pictures
  • Find/create my first adult home. Nest. Make it exactly how I want it.
  • Walk with God.
  • Continue to dream
  • Make dreams into realities
  • Devote weekly time to my family
  • Ask myself questions. Always.
  • Practice the art of forgiveness and selflessness
  • Do crafts
  • Make mistakes. The only wrong answer is not doing it.
  • ADD to this list.
  • Above all else… LOVE – and let people I love KNOW it.

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