Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am obsessed with hot sauce. This is a fact that all of my friends would attest to. I am slightly picky about my hot sauce, and will select my sauce depending on what food I am dousing in it...

1. Sriracha Sauce: My first love.

I love Sriracha because, well it's BOMB. It's made with sun-dried chilis, which makes the flavor to-die-for! I prefer Sriracha on pasta or a dish that needs extra kick + flavor. The Sriracha flavor has a lot of presence, so when you're ready to add some Sriracha, be ready to taste it!!

2. Frank's RedHot Sauce: New love that my sister and her boyfriend introduced me to.

Frank is at his best on PIZZA. SO GOOD. It has a really nice flavor, but less kick than Sriracha. This is why it's nice to add to something as flavorful as pizza; it adds zest and flavor, but without trying to overpower what the pizza already has going on. pure love.

My journey with hot sauce has only just begun, but believe me, I'm CRAZY over my hot sauce addiction! Stay tuned for more on this adventure....


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