Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SW: Week 2 Report!

Six Weeks: Plant-based diet: no dairy, no meat, no processed foods, no beer.

Two weeks in, I feel FANTASTIC. At this point, the food choices feel so natural, and processed foods sound disgusting. I had simply Heinz ketchup last week and found it gross, sugary, and fake tasting. I'm craving whole, real foods, and my body is completely thanking me for the change! So far, I've lost about 7 lbs, and 1 inch around my belly (under belly button at widest place).. that inch is the biggest deal to me. In the past, no matter how much poundage I've dropped, I've always had that pesky inner-tube of belly fat. The more I study, the more I've learned that the tube is proof of unhealthy eating and non-ideal personal body fat.

Another big change for me is how I feel in my clothes. I'm not avoiding my more form-fitting shirts, and I feel comfortable to be wearing a tight-fitting tank top for the first time in a very long time. I have energy, I'm wanting more and more exercise and classes naturally. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me health-wise, and coupled with my love for teaching spin, I'm quite the happy fit-bug! I am actually excited for summer and bikini weather this year, and I don't ever want to stop eating this way because I feel so great. Everything just works when you properly nourish your body and DETOXIFY. If you think I'm crazy, try it. Commit to 6 weeks and then talk to me. Tell me you don't love yourself and your life after only a couple weeks, and I will be absolutely shocked. As for me, bring on the fruits and veggies!!!


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