Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spin Courtesy 101

I found this on Pinterest a while back, and I just had to share... I am amazed at some of the things people find acceptable to do during spin class that is not, in fact, spinning. It's hard because we're adults, and I don't want to feel like a middle school teacher telling the gabbing ladies in the corner to be quiet, or the uninterested chick in the front row to get off her cell phone. I would think these things would be common knowledge. If you wish to partake in other activities while you work out, go to the cardio room and hop on a machine, don't sit front and center of a class that someone spent time designing and ignore the teacher who puts effort into making sure you have a good, effective class. 

For me, taking a dance or group fitness class is a favorite activity because for that hour, I am focused on following and learning what that instructor has in store for me that day. All of my worries, responsibilities, and mental noise are suspended for that time while I enjoy doing something good for my body and soul. Why would you wreck that by checking you face-ta-grams?? Zen out from your iPhone, and even your workout buddy's latest breakup, for that time and just feel that sensation of positive work within your body. This is YOU time! Don't miss it!


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