Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spin Courtesy 101

I found this on Pinterest a while back, and I just had to share... I am amazed at some of the things people find acceptable to do during spin class that is not, in fact, spinning. It's hard because we're adults, and I don't want to feel like a middle school teacher telling the gabbing ladies in the corner to be quiet, or the uninterested chick in the front row to get off her cell phone. I would think these things would be common knowledge. If you wish to partake in other activities while you work out, go to the cardio room and hop on a machine, don't sit front and center of a class that someone spent time designing and ignore the teacher who puts effort into making sure you have a good, effective class. 

For me, taking a dance or group fitness class is a favorite activity because for that hour, I am focused on following and learning what that instructor has in store for me that day. All of my worries, responsibilities, and mental noise are suspended for that time while I enjoy doing something good for my body and soul. Why would you wreck that by checking you face-ta-grams?? Zen out from your iPhone, and even your workout buddy's latest breakup, for that time and just feel that sensation of positive work within your body. This is YOU time! Don't miss it!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Fit-bug Food: Spaghetti Squash

Bed of spaghetti squash, topped with a sautéed combo: including spinach, broccoli, sundried tomatoes, tempeh, garlic, tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar, and spices. Don't forget the Sriracha!

Y'all.. Spaghetti squash is my new homeboy!!! Seriously if you haven't tried it you should. It's SO yummy and has many uses. Cooking for one is... well the norm right now, so I baked the squash last night and ate half of it with tomato sauce. I popped the other half in the microwave today while I sautéed my creation. I do this a lot-- just throw things in a pan and see what happens. This one turned out really well and it's mostly VEGGIES!! Happy munching!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Here's what happened... At the beginning of July, I became extremely ill. Not to get too graphic, but my body was moving blood out where it naturally shouldn't. I had the worst pain of my life... It was absolutely excruciating. After a few days of trying to let it pass, I finally went to the ER, only to end up back in the hospital, and stayed there, a few days later. Nobody could figure out what it was that was attacking my body, but there were many concerns of the possibilities. It was a truly frightening time. After concluding that it was some sort of food-borne something, they killed it with some really intense antibiotics that basically wipe out your entire system. Weeks later, I found out (through a survey company for the city's health department--more on NY doctor fails later) that the little punk was Salmonella that took up camp in my abdomen. The Internet would later inform me that about 400 people die from it per year.

Where am I going with this? I can divide my year, very clearly, into before I got sick and after... It took about a month to recover and feel normal again physically, and after that, I was completely unmotivated. It seemed so unfair that I had to go through that because at the time that I got infected, I was completely vegan and had been for a few months, and it was probably a lazy food-worker handling my veggies (I'm pretty positive of where I got it). All I wanted to do after that was work, be with my friends and fella, and that's about it. No auditioning, no voice lessons, no healthy eating, no yoga... The high I was on the first half of the year was a mere memory, and although I tried over and over to gain that back again, something kept holding me back and my heart wasn't in it as it had been before. Luckily my job required that I be pretty active, but I wasn't doing any of the supplemental exercise to keep my body evened out (spinning is such a repetitive movement on a few specific parts of the body). Life comes at ya... and for some reason this one took me down, HARD.

Finally, I am feeling motivated again. I'm remembering those reasons why I originally adopted a plant-based diet, and am learning to treat myself well again. As my eating and negative thinking spiraled out of control, my self-talk became absolutely abysmal... I was constantly belittling myself and thinking it was all my fault that I lost the drive I had before. There are so many reasons that I believe factored into it, but that negative self-talk and self-punishment was definitely the primary culprit.

So here I am, back in the saddle, ready to enjoy my life as it is today, and get back to that journey of wellness and revive my passion for health and life! Stay tuned... life is good, and I'm going to CELEBRATE it!


Today's inspiration from Kris Carr's blog about Crazy Sexy Manifesting ... Read it. LOVE it. You're welcome. :o)