Friday, January 3, 2014

2014: Awaken & Explore


Over the past few years, I've abandoned and revisited this blog many times, but it has always been there, a little hum of something I really wanted to do, in the back of my head. In 2014, it is a part of my plan and focus for the new year. For me, 2014 is about awakening. My goal is to re-awaken my true self and be present. I want to be 100% present in as many moments as possible, small or otherwise, starting NOW. I don't want to miss anything while dreaming of the future or getting lost in the past. I'm living today for today!

Another piece to this exciting year of awakening is adventure. I want to explore. Everything. This city, art, faith, books, health, fit classes, certifications, gear, nutrition, music, maybe some TRAVEL, absolutely everything. Nothing is off-limits!

So this is the start: of something.. and everything. I plan to explore my journey here, and insecurity is a thing of the past, baby! Here's to saying YES when I want to, and NO when I want to! Peace out 2013, it's been real.... 2014, let's do this!


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