Friday, May 17, 2013

Vemma Bod•ē Experiment / Exploration

There's nothing like exploring a new nutrition plan to get me to blog again! A couple of my dear friends are really into this Vemma thing. When they first told me about it, I didn't understand exactly what it was, and was in my "everything you need you can get from the earth and all else is unnecessary" phase. While I still know that's true, I also know that in reality, I don't have enough variation in my diet to get all of the nutrients I need, especially living my mostly-vegan lifestyle and cooking/grocery shopping for one! So I'm beginning the Vemma Bod•ē program, and so far, this is perhaps the best plan I've encountered for my lifestyle... And here's why:

1. There's structure, even though its not a super-strict plan. The guidelines give you freedom to choose your favorite foods and meals.. I always do best with a structured plan.
2. Convenient! The app texts you to remember to eat and what types of foods to go for, and the shakes are easy to mix! Everything is laid out for you simply.
3. Eating so often: great for my energy levels teaching spin classes and this is a convenient way to train myself to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. The app alerts you every 3 hours after waking for that meal or snack time.
4. It goes in line with my nutrition philosophies... I can edit my plan as no meat/dairy, and I do the plan my own way to be true to what I believe is best for my body.
5. You get 2 High Carb days per week and one GUILT FREE DAY!
6. It's a good product! This company is about simplicity, quality, and nutrition. The nutrients are all derived from plants, and not man-made. That's it, and I can still maintain my mostly-vegan lifestyle with the program. And no, I don't work for them... ;)

Those are my thoughts so far with week one... I'm excited! I'm thankful that my friend, Scott introduced me to this stuff, and that I finally listened. :) So far, it's great!
