Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Auditioning is Hard

I had an interesting audition yesterday. My entire day until 6:15 pm was wrapped up in it. So many people were there that it took forever to get through the 300+ list. 8 am to 6 pm, no callback, and I was almost late to my evening spin class.

Why was I in such a good mood all day? I was thinking about it on the train, and I realized something; I don't really hate audition days as much as I can make it seem sometimes. I really feel like I've adopted the mindset of those around me in the past, and it has hindered my audition life making me absolutely dread auditions. It's the popular belief that all the people are insane and that it completely sucks to wait around all day to get your 30 second chance. The facts are true, but perspective is everything. I learn good details sometimes about certain things from those people that feel they must be heard at all times (or you could choose to get intimidated and stressed out). Also, an audition day is an opportunity I have to read, play with my iPad, explore Pinterest, listen to music, and whatever else I want completely guilt-free because I am actively doing what I came to New York to do. Best part: I get to showcase my talent for some live human beings! Also by adopting this mind-set, I am much more likely and excited to pack my XL bag and trek to the studio... It's like taking your work to Starbucks, but if at the end of every Starbucks work session you got to play the lottery for free. :)

I've heard people say their day was wasted from being overlooked or typed out. You never know what the people in that room are thinking or seeing in you, and if you ask me, what wasted your day was you and that attitude. If you expect the worst, how will you ever receive the best?? It just doesn't make sense! Ask and you shall receive, people.

So for all those haters: if it's really that bad, move back to Iowa... The theatre will be just fine without your attitude. But if this is what you really want, change your mind and you'll find it's a much kinder world than you give it credit for.
