Monday, June 27, 2011

Good Morning Starshine!

New York City is a magical place. This morning, I had some pent-up energy that I needed to release, and I've been tempted to run lately... so I went for it! I've been inspired by my little cousin, Suzanne, who just recently began basic training at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and also by my sister and her best friend, who've decided to run a 26.2 mi. marathon in October (they are blogging their experience: A-1: Getting a Marathon Done). By no means am I saying that I'm picking up running as a sport or main hobby, but I'd like to see if I can get to the point that my knees don't continually hurt every time I run. I took it easy, alternating between power walking, jogging, and light running, and I had a wonderful early-morning run!

Before I left the house, I equipped my nano with plenty of auditory nourishment (multiple options), and checked out the route I wanted to take. My roommate, Heather, has been clocking her distance by the elevator train, but I just didn't want to run along that... I would be instantly unmotivated! So, I chose to run to Queensboro park; to get there is about a mile from my apartment, and it is right on the East River. When I got there, I saw that the park is not the best-kept park in the city, but there is a nice figure-8 paved pathway, a playground, baseball fields, and a view of the city across the river. I didn't have my phone or anything on me to capture the moment, but let me give y'all an idea of this view from my pals at Google Images:

This is the best I could find of the view... I'll have to take my own photos later!

This is the biggest motivator that I didn't even think to expect. Here I am pushing myself, and when it gets rough, all I have to do is look over at the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings towering over this island that contains everything you could possibly dream or imagine, and I'm rejuvenated. I kept smiling... and I have always had a general distaste for running! Then, when I wasn't sure I could make a last lap, Empire State of Mind came on my ipod, and I actually chuckled at my city. I went at it for an hour, which I honestly didn't expect out of myself on the first go. I love this town, and I love how God is working with me to make my place here. I am truly blessed, and I can't wait to get back over to that park again!


Sunday, June 19, 2011


Lately I've been going through an identity crisis/time of change. I've been feeling God's pull in my life, and I'm working to stay open and vulnerable to His plan. I don't care what your profession is, adjusting to New York life, or life in any new place, is extremely taxing, difficult, and challenges one's character to the very core of your being. The only common key to this adjustment that I can find is to stay true and honest to yourself and work to remain open to change. I think the better you can face a change of heart, path, or destination, the easier time you will have of staying true to your heart.
